
4 Sauna Rituals to Diversify Your Steam Bath Session

4 Components That Will Add to Your Sauna Ritual: Immersing Yourself in the World of Aromas, Sounds, and Touch

Bathing with the use of heat and steam is an age-old tradition that has been practiced across Nordic regions. Not only does it help you shake off stress and tiredness and boost your immune system, but it also allows you to catch up with friends, colleagues, or dearest ones in a relaxing and pleasant environment. Resorts that provide spa services are often nestled in the serenity of forests or natural reservoirs, amplifying the beneficial effect of sauna rituals. There, you can enjoy the tranquility of the surrounding nature, relax in the fresh air, and try eco-friendly farm products. If you want to know about the merits and components of a well-organized steam bathing process, don’t miss reading our expert explanation.

Sauna rituals benefits: why going to a sauna contributes to your well-being

According to specialists at a widely known Mayo Clinic based in the USA, sauna rituals have beneficial effects on our general well-being. Going to a sauna lowers the chance of vascular diseases, helps in treating various skin conditions, relieves headaches and arthritis pain, and improves mental health. We at Jägala Juga know that sauna rituals benefits are not limited to the above and include the following positive impacts on health:

  • Going to a sauna puts you in a better mood and helps you feel deeply relaxed, restore sleep, and regain peace of mind,
  • Sweating normalizes your cholesterol levels,
  • Perspiring helps your muscles and organs dispose of toxins,
  • Warming your muscles up reduces tension and soreness,
  • Contrast bathing boosts your immune system and makes it more resistant to various viral infections,
  • Breathing hot air saturated with oils and juniper may alleviate respiratory conditions.

The above beneficial effects are enhanced by having your personalized or group sauna session conducted end-to-end by an accomplished sauna master. These professionals know everything about scrubs and whisks, they can tell the right timing for altering hot and cold bathing rituals and have mastered the art of massage and sound therapy.

Why are sauna rituals often followed by a massage?

As we mentioned above, a sauna ceremony relieves tension in muscles and makes your tissues softer and more pliable. Combining it with whisking during the session and a body massage afterwards enhances the relaxing and warming effects. As a result, a sauna master can effortlessly knead and stretch your muscles, which facilitates even deeper relaxation.

Whisking is often performed with pleasant-smelling oak whisks. Their branches are cut, bundled, and dried in summer so that all their properties that generously unfold during the ritual are preserved. Prior to the ritual, the whisk is soaked in water.

Your body is exposed to gentle stroking, pressing, and circular movements with the whisk, alternated with shorter and stronger lashes. This technique improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure, and revitalizes your skin, cleaning it and making it smoother. Moreover, oak leaves boast antioxidant capacity and anti-inflammatory qualities, and they are known as an effectual anti-stress remedy with a pronounced calming effect. During the procedure, whisks are dipped into cold water, which makes its cool touches upon the warmed-up body especially pleasant.

After the main program, a juniper whisk can be rolled over your body, which is helpful for alleviating joint pain and bronchial diseases. Then, a classic body massage with long and flowing circular movements follows. This perfectly complements your bathing rituals and helps you feel rested and energized. Classic back massage and aromatherapy massage with the use of essential oils favorably complement calming sauna rituals.

What exactly hot-cold bathing is, and how to avail yourself of hydrotherapy

Have you ever wondered why sauna lovers soak in a hot tub to passionately roll in the fresh snow or dive into an icy cold plunge a few moments later?

Observing this sauna ritual — hot and cold temperatures alternated — has its meaning. When you enjoy the warmth of a hot tub amidst nature’s beauties (at Jägala Juga, we heat them with firewood and infuse them with aromatic herbs), this dilates your blood vessels and, as a consequence, increases circulation. There can be other types of hot tubes as well, for instance, milky tubes with rose petals that will moisturize and soften your skin.

Your steamed body is now prepared to bear the contrast of temperatures, which actually feels quite pleasant. The cold plunge is ideal for improving lymphatic drainage and skin elasticity and boosting metabolism and protective functions of the body.

Crafting your personalized aromatherapy ritual

The practice of breathing in the calming, stress-relieving, or invigorating scents that are dissolved in the air seems to have become an integral part of a modern sauna ritual. These fine scents that play their part in healing your body and mind are produced by diverse natural herbs, each one with its properties and merits.

Sauna rituals can be enriched with the aroma of fresh birch and oak whisks, as well as herb-based or fruit-based ice discs that are applied to your skin to create a pleasant and relieving contrast while you’re exposed to high temperatures. Dried citrus fruit can be added to a hot tube, which intensifies their vibrant scent. This creates a bright feel, cheering you up, filling you with energy, and relieving stress and emotional tension. Another splendid aromatherapy option is the treatment therapy with horseradish, which enhances your natural defenses.

How to introduce meditation rituals into a sauna session

Meditation is a self-care practice that refers to clearing the mind, managing stresses and cares of life, and bringing the body and mind into harmony. Interweaving various kinds of meditation practices into a sauna tradition is a relatively new approach that proves itself to be effective.

If you’re a sauna enthusiast, you know firsthand that, after all the steam bathing rituals are accomplished, you feel not only lightness in the body but also clearness of mind. Your negative thoughts and feelings are all taken away. You get a fresh perspective on things and feel uplifted. How does going to a sauna contribute to achieving such a marvelous effect?

Our physiology is the answer. When we’re exposed to heat, our cardiovascular system works more efficiently and supplies blood to the brain faster. At the same time, our muscles get relieved of all tension. The level of endorphins is increased, which makes you feel optimistic. All this creates an ideal background for an efficient and fruitful introspection.

To prepare the steaming room and our visitors for this ritual, Jägala Juga’s staff takes the following steps:

  • We thoroughly clean and prepare the steaming room, taking care of even the smallest details to provide our guests with all they might need to enjoy deep rest and unalloyed luxury.
  • Our visitors tune in to their introspection rituals thanks to soft lighting and the melodic sounds of gong. We arrange this calming setting to help you achieve ultimate mindfulness.
  • We seamlessly combine the meditation ritual with a relaxing massage so that your body is fully relaxed and you can let go of any thoughts that trouble you.

Going through the above rituals will renew your mind, restore joy and take away your worries.

To sum up

A team of professionals, such as the one at Jägala Juga, will enhance your personalized sauna session with a variety of services and activities. These rituals include getting a classic massage, trying out a refreshing cold plunge, breathing in various scents and aromas, and listening to the melodic sounds of the gong. A variety of services like a whisk massage, soaking in a calming and relaxing herb-infused hot tube, having your warmed-up skin rubbed with ice discs, and many more come at additional cost. We also offer healthy and nutritious homemade snacks and aromatic teas, as well as a diverse range of well-thought-out services and products to tailor-fit your relaxation journey and make it truly unforgettable.

If you feel like taking this unique and ultimately personalized journey thoroughly prepared and delivered to you end-to-end by our attentive team, do not hesitate to contact us and make your reservation. Take this first step, and we’ll arrange the rest for you according to your preferences and requests.